USTR Signals It Will Maintain Section 301 Tariffs & Restart Exclusion Process

Later today, the U.S. Trade Representative will address the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington D.C. In advance of this speech, the USTR signaled over the weekend it intends to restart the Section 301 Exclusion Process which would enable companies to apply for relief from current tariff assessments against Chinese origin goods.

In addition to the relief process, the USTR indicated it will maintain current Section 301 tariffs for the foreseeable future and re-start talks with China on the status of trade relations. This would include a review of the purchase commitments China made during the prior Phase 1 talks conducted by the prior Administration.

We will provide more information as it becomes available from the USTR. If you have any questions concerning the upcoming USTR exclusion process, please contact one of the trade professionals here.